Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Today we started out at the orphanage. We switched groups, those that painted yesterday did songs and a Bible story and then went to the baby room. Those that were in the baby room painted today. We used stencils to paint soccer balls, race cars, animals and such on the walls. They really could've used a fresh coat of paint, but at least the little we did do helped brighten up the rooms a bit.
It was really neat seeing kids that we met yesterday. They were so excited to see that we had come back. They would run up and give us huge hugs. Anna told us that before we got there several asked her, "Are the gringos coming back? Are the gringos coming back?"
Around noon we headed to a mall to have lunch and then we went to a "Super Wal-mart" and did some major shopping for the orphanage. Thanks so many of you we had a good chunk of change to use to buy things for the orphanage. It was so fun! Thank you!
The picture above is of Janell getting popcorn and pop. Tomorrow we are doing a pizza and movie event for the teenage girls. We are excited to do something special for them.

Baby bananas for the baby. :)

Part of the group with just part of what we bought. We were getting lots of looks from people. I'm sure it looked funny- one cart for instance had a ton of baby food and lots of sanitary pads (for the teenage girls) and then another was filled almost completely with diapers.

Our total was 23,815 dollars...just kidding! It was 23,815 lempira which is about 1250 dollars. We got so much stuff for that amount. Lots of clothes, shoes, food, diapers, toys, balls, hygiene items, baby formula, etc. Again, we were only able to do this because of your generosity.
After shopping we came back to our guest house and we learned more about the orphan crisis in Honduras. We learned about the project that we are working with and what their role is. The orphanage is goverment run, but the project we are working with is a non-profit that has their offices there. They have lawyers, social workers and psychologists that work on the kids cases to help get them out of institutions and into families. The government doesn't have the money to do the necessary paperwork and formalities that is needed to get these kids through the process. That is where this project helps. We saw a great video that I am hoping to be able to upload so that you guys are able to view it.
As Jessica mentioned yesterday, we are all called to care for the orphan- what will your role be?

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