Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sunday- Part Dos

After church we had lunch at a Pupusaria (sp?). It was delicious. While we were eating there was a bad motorcycle accident that happened outside of the restaurant. The traffic is crazy here! There are no rules really...well Anna told us there are rules but they aren't enforced and people don't follow them. She also mentioned (and we witnessed) there isn't really a 911 here. The ambulance took forever to get to the accident. Hopefully the guy was okay, but we don't know.
After lunch we headed up into the mountains to a touristy town called Valle de Angeles. The drive to and from was interesting. It was beautiful scenery, but windy roads that made us a little fearful that we would fall off the edge. There were also many animals just wandering around (cows, donkeys, horses, dogs). They didn't seem to belong to anyone.
It had a few streets that were filled with shops and cafes and restaurants. In the middle was a square where there was live music and lots of people milling about. We spent a couple of hours there milling around.

After coming back from Valle de Angeles we had dinner. All of our food thus far has been delicious. We were all excited to see that we were having pupusas for dinner (that is what we had for lunch also). After dinner we spent some time as a team praying for our first day at the orphanage tomorrow and then a lot of us played a very fun game called Telephone Pictionary. There were lots of laughs and come crazy drawings.
We are all so excited for our first day at the orphanage. We have spent a lot of time planning and in prayer. We pray that God will use us to show His love to the children. The orphanage we will be spending time at, Casitas Kennedy, is a transitional orphanage. It is the first stop for most of the kids and then they move on to another orphange, into foster care or into the adoption process. We are praying that we can plant seeds of God's hope in their hearts. I also pray that God will open our hearts to the bigger picture of the orphan crisis and what He is calling us to do.
Again, thank you for your prayers and support. Don't forget to check out Andy and Janell's blog.

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