I've been reading so many good, challenging books lately. I think I will make a list of recommended reading on the sidebar because you guys seriously need to be reading these books!
I just started "Moving Mountains Through Prayer" by John Chacha. I am only two chapters into it but it has already been very challenging to me. One of the things that stuck out to me last night while I was reading was "Prayer reveals God's will in whatever we are doing. It gives meaning, purpose and direction in our ministries. Through my own experiences and those of others, I have come to realize
that a ministry can never outgrow the prayers of those involved. Prayer will energize your ministry. Your prayer life is the spiritual thermometer of your Christian life and service. It determines your effectiveness and productivity. In other words, the deeper you enter into the spiritual realm through prayer, the more effective you become in the physical world."
I have heard something similar to this before, but for some reason it really hit me hard last night. So often I spend time thinking and talking about the Outreach ministry of TTCC. I spend time planning the mission trip, but in comparison how much time do I spend praying about these things? I should be spending way more time in prayer rather than trying to figure it out on my own.